Call Today: 07967 467 164
292 High Street, Cheltenham Gloucestershire, GL50 3HQ Get Directions


Mark – 42

“I contacted Fraser to help with my marathon training. Fraser was fantastic

He took the time to really understand what I was trying to achieve and consequently his advice was bang on the brief.
The result was a personal best marathon time; I am continuing to use Frasers expertise to improve my core strength in pursuit of another PB!”…

Hannah – 29

“Hi Fras! So I just weighed myself… I was 10.7 when we started the couples training…I’m now 10.1! Steve was 12.12 and is now 12.1!!! Great results so far! Thanks!”

Matt – 27

“I used to attend the gym religiously five days a week without fail. However, since starting University I struggled to find the time and the motivation to maintain this, consequently, affecting my fitness and causing my muscle mass to decrease.  This led me to contact Fraser, setting the goals to put some of the muscle mass I had lost overtime back on whilst also improving my cardiovascular fitness along the way.

I have now been training with Fraser for a few months and I can already see a vast improvement with my goals seeming a lot more realistic to achieve. Training with Fraser has been eye opening, I have learnt new techniques and ways to train meaning that I am now training smarter and a lot more advanced than I used to. I have already made huge strides and have put some muscle mass back on with my cardio also being better than it has ever been. I am continuing to reach my goals with Fraser and plan on setting new ones to challenge myself; I am now training for the Cheltenham Half Marathon something I could have never dreamed of doing without the help and guidance of Fraser.

Since training with Fraser I have been able to build a good personal relationship with him and I love the homely atmosphere that The Gym in Cheltenham provides. I hope to continue training with Fraser for the foreseeable future and to smash every goal that is put in front of me.

Contact me ASAP for a free no obligation consultation! It is never too late to start!

Phone:  07967 467 164

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